
This blog includes reflections, creative work and resources. It is a glimpse of one person's journey within the realm of inquiry, experience with the human body and spirit. Look for ideas rather than answers. No claims are made. Perfection is not implied. I write as inspired to do so. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you share anything from this blog, either verbally or in writing, please do your best to give credit where credit is due. Thank you for visiting.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Acupressure Mat

Several years ago I purchased an acupressure mat. It is wonderful! I find it particularly helpful when I feel sluggish, run down or feel a virus making its way into my body. I get up feeling refreshed and energized. The first few times I used it I wore a thin t-shirt but now I lie on it bare-backed.

The mat costs around $30 with shipping. To buy go to one of these 3 online sources: acupressurematstore.com, amazon.com or eBay

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