
This blog includes reflections, creative work and resources. It is a glimpse of one person's journey within the realm of inquiry, experience with the human body and spirit. Look for ideas rather than answers. No claims are made. Perfection is not implied. I write as inspired to do so. Take what works for you, leave the rest. If you share anything from this blog, either verbally or in writing, please do your best to give credit where credit is due. Thank you for visiting.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Right Brain of Belief & The Left Brain of Practice (not necessarily Belief vs. Practice)

This is a little overview of left-right brain approach and possibly helpful to the beginner.  It is important to know that belief in metaphysics is not necessary in order to benefit from the physical postures of yoga, breathing, sense withdrawal, concentration and meditation.  And, one of the benefits of practice is the increasing ease of watching the mind.  It is insightful to see how the right-brain/left-brain works. 

I have moments of magical thinking, some more fleeting than others.  The right brain is the expressive side, making life sweet, fun and interesting.  Belief allows for the extension of the self into new possibilities, new realms.  The left brain is the practical aspect.  It schedules, weighs and measures results, supports the return to study and contemplation.  

The yogic approach applied to our intention, actions and decisions is often referred to as "art of living".  Using the term "artist" consider a visual artist.  A painter should know the physics and chemistry of their materials and the science of color.  Not only will the finished product stand the test of time but the process of expressing an idea will be more efficient and with the desired result.  Once again, it is about balance.  Balance is often considered an Eastern concept but if you look around it applies over and over again, no matter which Earth hemisphere you live in or religion you observe.

Don't be too quick to say you are perfectly logical.  If you notice this tendency I will refer you to the work of the behavioral economist Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational (2008) and The Upside of Irrationality (2010). I may be open to a few "far-out" ideas but when it boils down to some lifestyle choices I see myself far more rational than the mainstream (which is more suitable to another post, if not a whole different blog entirely). And who is to say the perceived spirit of a deceased loved one is any less significant if it is simply a projection from our own heart and memory bank?

Regardless of which tendency you lean toward consider opening to your opposite.  Belief may bring you someplace new.  Experiencing the results of practice is just as beneficial.

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